Graduation Portrait Offer

  • First, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on attaining your degree, it’s a huge milestone in your life and one that should be recorded!


    No doubt your graduation ceremony has been cancelled due to the pandemic so you will be missing out on those professional graduation portraits, not to mention all the parties and the celebrations that are all part of it, we can’t help with the parties but we can help with the professional portrait.

  • You will need to bring  your own Mortar board and Gown

    Bring your family to our South London studio and have a selection of poses both individually and as a family.  We aim for your graduation session to be fun, relaxed and totally stress free, no production line photography here! Parents, siblings and grandparents will be welcome.

    We will contact you to make an appointment for you along with discussing all your requirements.

    If this is of interest and you wish to book a session please contact us to pay your £25.00 booking fee.

    If you would like to book you private Graduation Photoshoot please call 0207 924 9998 or 07973198852 or complete the enquiry form and we will call you back.


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